Hello! Thanks for stopping by.

My name is Norris Kwan and I am a Software Developer and Coach. I am currently in SF.
51% left brain, 49% right brain. I love technology and business. I believe fitness is the first step to greatness.

I enjoy brainstorming ideas, solving bugs, and creating functioning, aesthetically pleasing interfaces. My skills include React and React Native, Redux, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, HTML, CSS and a few others. Explore some of my projects below and feel free to get in touch!

"Everybody love everybody" - Jackie Moon


Shootr - Full Stack Photo Sharing Application

Shootr // Full Stack Photo Sharing Application

Live: Shootr.pro
Github: github.com/nrrs/shootr
Stack: Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, React, Redux, HTML, CSS

Shootr is a responsive SPA inspired by Instagram. It serves as a free platform for users to post, share, and interact with fellow photographers!

QuickFit - Full Stack Workout Generator Application

QuickFit // Full Stack Mobile Application

Live: QuickFit
Github: github.com/nrrs/quickfit-app/
Stack: Django, React Native

An exercise generator that allows you to keep track of workouts! This mobile app allows users to add or select exercises along with some timing variations.

I was lucky enough to be nominated as the Lead for this project. My team is great and our chemistry is as strong as a covalent bond.

On tap, generate a random workout based on the difficulty level of your choice. Add your own custom movements and categorize them by type and difficulty.

Django handles our backend: serving APIs, ensuring security, and handling auth. OAuth was implemented to allow login through 3rd party platforms. React Native is used for our frontend, mobile framework. Expo.io is a tool that allows us to build and share native applications across iOS.


Super Set JavaScript Game

Super Set Game // JavaScript Game

Live: Super Set
Github: github.com/nrrs/super-set/
Technologies: JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Webpack

A patterns recognition game inspired by the real world card game Set. One of my favorite games!

Chrome Extensions

I Love Reddit Chrome Extension

I Love Reddit

Github: ILoveReddit

I initially created this extension as practice. While I was looking for a free API, I discovered that Reddit allows you to append .json to any URL to it will return JSON data! So I decided to make a quick options page and parse the data into a formatted table. I would like to spruce it up once my immediate projects are complete. Reddit is awesome.

Inspire Me Chrome Extension

Inspire Me

Github: Inspire Me

This simple extension uses the Forismatic API to display an inspirational quote every time you open a new tab. Figured we could all use a bit of wisdom before surfing the web.

New Page Instagram Chrome Extension

New Page Instagram

This extension allows you to input 5 public accounts of your choice. It then parses the response into a list of recent photos per account. One day, I'd like to add auth so users can see private accounts and interact with the post, such as liking and commenting.




K, byee!

Feel free to reach out for collabs, coffee, or contracts. I'm down to geek out and talk nerd.